Тенденции в web-программировании за последние несколько лет

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- MVC, makes building websites more robust, every major language has a framework for this now

- ORMs, every framework has a pluggable object-relational mapper for getting rid of your basic CRUD code

- Ruby on Rails or Django (Python) are mainstream ways to develop web applications. Both based on MVC.

- People still hate PHP, but it's still incredibly popular

- Internally a lot of companies still use ASP.Net, it's still awful, but ASP.Net MVC is pretty good

- In data transfer JSON is king, XML is dying, SOAP is dead (thank god)

- if you're developing a sales site, include a/b testing

- The rise of the API, lots of online services now offer online APIs. You can also plug a lot of functionality onto your website by using other people's services (e.g. uservoice.com for feedback, visualwebsiteoptimizer.com for a/b testing)

- Javascript frameworks make writing javascript much better, jQuery has pretty much won the framework war

- Lots of plugins are available for the js frameworks. No more having to roll your own table sorting solution

- Cloud Computing can be a cheap, reliable and scalable way to launch an app now. At minimum know about Amazon s3 (storage), but you can now host whole applications on scalable systems

- OAuth, you don't need to roll your own login system anymore for certain types of web application

Oh yeah, and for web design:

- Use divs, not tables for layout. No-one even argues about this one anymore

- Wordpress + a theme is an acceptable way to create a good looking website

- Know the basics of SEO, your clients often will

- As a rule of thumb, if you're nesting lots of divs, you're probably doing it wrong

- use a reset.css. A lot of people also use a grid for layout, something like 960.gs

- Html5, we're getting some more tags (mainstream soonish, probably when IE9 is released as I'm guessing most IE8 users will upgrade; IE8 doesn't really support the good bits). Depressingly being lauded as amazing when it's actually very meh. Still mandatory learning though.

- The browser landscape has shifted dramatically, IE is dying properly now, Firefox is mainstream, Chrome is amazing, Safari is used a lot more because Macs sell more as do IPhones (you probably can't have missed this ;)


Big trends are: mobile computing and development: developing apps for smart phones and other mobile devices is the gold rush right now. Every company seems to be working on offering an app right now.

Maturation of social media: it's time for businesses to actually start getting value from social media. Developing useful services, products or even approaches could be very profitable. at the very least, you should know if, when and how to use social media for your business.

html5/css3/js frameworks: right now there are lots of technologies competing to be the platform for next generation web apps/sites. html5/css3 are around the corner and look very promising, even for very complex apps. We are also seeing how javascript frameworks are becoming absolutely necessary tools for everyday web development. Solutions such as node.js take js to a whole another level. These web standards might soon become powerful enough to compete with Flash for audio/video centric sites.

"New" languages: ruby and python continue to gain market shares while there are new promising languages such as Scala and Clojure.

Cloud computing: hate the term all you want but companies such as Amazon are revolutionizing hosting and computing. Also check of what hosting companies such as Linode or Slicehost are up to.

NoSQL: if you are working with very large data sets the various solutions offered by the NoSQL camp might be interesting. Be, however, cautious because it's all very new and challenging to use in production.

Game mechanics aka gamification: more and more sites are using typical game mechanics to create richer user experiences. Facebook, Zynga and Foursquare are the most successful companies doing this.

SEO: the biggest news on the SEO front is ... that it isn't news anymore. Everyone is doing it and so should you - from the very first day. Facebook and Twitter has had a huge impact on SEO and web marketing but the basics are the same: create great content/services and build relationships.

Web design: graphical trends come and go but the things that are here to stay are: a/b testing; using web standards (again html5/css3/js) instead of flash, images and other, less flexible/semantic technologies; better layout support for mobile devices; css frameworks such as Sass; CMS frameworks such as Drupal or Wordpress are commonplace, even for very demanding sites.


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